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How To Find Your Digital Resort

Now you will not surprise anyone with the promotion of a business online. Everyone understands that online presence is a vital necessity, and the pandemic has more than proven this.

But you can promote not only companies on the Internet, but also various events, organizations and even entire cities. After all, if we are talking, for example, about medical or tourist sites, then the people who visit them, in most cases, also learn about them from the Internet. And both the administration and the business community of any city, direction is interested in the number of such people as possible.

Start with a vision and goal setting

The concept is needed in order to clearly understand what kind of information and theses you plan to convey to the people to whom you want to tell about the resort. Or rather, what image of it would you like to form in their head.

A youth resort with a vibrant nightlife or a quiet haven perfect for families and seniors?

A place that is accessible to everyone, or is it targeting an above average price tag? Positioning is extremely important, otherwise, from the point of view of potential customers, you simply will not be any different from competitors who are closer, and the rest there will be cheaper.

As for the goals, in order to effectively perform the work, you need to clearly understand what tasks need to be solved. In the case of the promotion of the resort, we are talking about the formation of a positive image of the resort, the growth of its recognition and direct or indirect attraction of tourists. In fact, a kind of brand formation and / or promotion.

It’s like buying a car in the showroom: in order to choose the best option for yourself, you must clearly understand for what purpose you need it. Otherwise, you can buy a sports car for traveling in the mountains, and a pickup truck for shopping trips in the supermarket.

Who is your target audience and how do you reach them?

Understanding who your target audience is allows you to form the right promotion strategy and get the most out of your efforts.

In addition, there are purely technical and operational issues for the solution of which it is important to work out this issue well. Namely:

  • it is easier to form a list of interests in targeted advertising on social networks;
  • you can put together a good content plan for publishing articles;
  • it is easier to define a list of markers for collecting the semantic core for contextual advertising;
  • you can focus on maximizing conversions by generating CTAs and landing pages focused on a specific customer portrait (or several types)

And a number of other significant advantages that are important in the context of an Internet marketing strategy.

Therefore, the better you understand your target audience, the better results you can get from the money and time invested.

5 Marketing Channels You Can Use To Promote Your Resort City Online

There are actually a lot of Internet marketing tools and channels that you can work with. But as with any project, it’s important not to get distracted and focus on the ones that work best in this case. Otherwise, instead of profit, only losses can be generated.

In the case of the promotion of a resort city on the Internet, in our opinion, the following should be used:

1. SEO website promotion

When working on such a project, simply pages on social networks are definitely indispensable. Therefore, the site is needed, and its creation is the first thing to do. We focus on the fact that you need a multi-page website, not a simple landing page.

If the site already exists, great. But in any case, you need to conduct an SEO audit to make sure that there are no errors on the site that can interfere with effective promotion, negatively affect conversion and, in general, undesirable on a quality resource. After the audit has been completed and the necessary corrections have been made, you can proceed directly to the promotion.

SEO, although it requires many months of work to achieve stable results, can help bring tens and hundreds of thousands of visitors to the site, and in the long term it is the most profitable channel for work.

2. Content marketing

This can be either writing keyword-optimized articles for the site itself, which help to get traffic from organic search results and form a loyal audience around the site, or working with external sites. In this case, publications are posted on sites close to the subject and allow you to increase coverage at the expense of other people’s resources, because they can be read by hundreds and thousands of people.

For example, in niche media you can publish articles about why it is worth visiting your resort, when is it better to do it, what to see in the city, where is it better to relax with children, etc.

3. Contextual and targeted advertising

Contextual advertising allows you to show ads in Google search when a person enters the keyword you want, and targeted advertising allows you to show ads to users of social networks. The first one is based on keywords, while the second type of advertising is based on interest targeting. That is, advertisements are shown to users who show interest in a specific topic (such as skiing).

Each of these types of advertising is important in its own way, since it makes it possible to reach a different audience and determine which of the channels will still be more effective in your case and in promoting a particular direction.

4. Crowd marketing

Crowd marketing is a technology of hidden, so-called guerrilla marketing on-line, the essence of which is to draw attention to a specific product, product or service with the help of recommendations-responses on forums, blogs, comments and communities.

In the context of our topic, this can be, for example, a situation when somewhere on the forum there is a lively discussion about where to go in the summer with children, and in your message you recall your resort, recommend a site where you can find out more information, or mention specific hotels where it is better to stay.

You won’t get a lot of traffic this way, but it’s a good way to get more inbound links, which have a positive effect on your site’s search rankings.

5. YouTube video channel

If you upload to a channel even a video made using an ordinary smartphone, this can already attract attention and give views, encourage people to subscribe, and most importantly, increase the recognition of your city.

This point includes the creation of video content not only for YouTube, but also for social networks in general. Short and interesting videos attract attention, are memorable and have good social media coverage.


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